Building a UK-wide space training infrastructure that will:
Provide students with a practical educational experience solving real-world, complex, open-ended engineering problems through hands-on experience designing, manufacturing and testing rocket engines
Provide the UK space sector with the better trained, better-prepared graduates it needs to continue its ambitious growth
Link together existing student rocketry activities to generate a pipeline of talent
Encourage young people to develop an interest and passion for space and pursue STEM degrees
Link industry and academia to transfer knowledge and support the ambitious extra-curricular student teams around the UK
Increase the diversity of engineering and space talent in the UK
The UK space industry is a fast-growing sector, with its income estimated to have more than trebled in size since 2000. It generates an estimated £14.8 billion per year and supports around 42,000 jobs across all regions of the UK. In December 2015, the UK Government welcomed the space industry’s ambition to capture 10% of the global space market by 2030 and published its first National Space Policy, setting out the Government’s main aims and policies [1].
To help reach the ambition of 10% of the global space market, the UK space sector needs to grow rapidly. If this faster rate of growth is to be achieved, a key requirement is an increase in the number and quality of graduates entering the sector. The current experience from industry is that they often struggle to find graduates with the right skills and practical experience to fit into their companies, and to fill graduate roles they may need to accept less-than-ideal graduates.
The UKSA Space sector skills survey [2] gives details on the skills gap in the space sector. The survey results show that two-thirds or more of businesses experienced difficulty hiring and skill gaps in the current workforce were identified by 51% of businesses, a much higher proportion than that for businesses across all UK sectors.
The report highlights that recent growth of the industry has outpaced the growth of those with the necessary skills. Expectations of recruits is very high, meaning experience in the industry or post-grad qualifications are often necessary. The industry’s preference for experienced people already in the industry decreases the industry’s total training effort and reduces the skilled labour pool. On top of this, Brexit has made it more difficult to recruit from Europe and has encouraged some European staff to return to their original countries and the industry also experiences a loss of high skills (particularly in software) to other sectors a few years after recruitment.
Research indicates that STEM graduates generally do not have the wide range of transferable skills desired by industry. These skills include communication, decision-making, problem-solving, leadership, emotional intelligence, social skills as well as the ability to work with people of different backgrounds [3,4]. There is a mismatch (or gap) between the skills attained in educational programs and the transferable skills which are necessary for the workplace [4]
The UK is in great need of more engineers: an additional 87,000 graduate level engineers are needed each year, but the higher education system is producing only 46,000 engineering graduates annually, which suggests that the UK has a long way to go to fill this predicted skills gap (RAEng) [5]
On top of this, the specific skills required by the space sector are also lacking in graduates and university courses are failing to prepare graduates adequately for the sector. The UKSA Space sector skills survey [2] suggests that there is a mismatch between what skills the industry needs and the skills UK Higher Education produces. The observation by 44% of respondents, that there is insufficient appropriate specialist training supplied by UK educational institutions [2]. On top of a shortfall in numbers, HE courses lag behind rapidly advancing technologies or lack specificity to the space industry’s particular needs.
The variety of specialist skills needed to meet the diversity of recruitment needs identified by the industry means it would be difficult for university courses to adapt to cover such a wide range of topics and skills, or not financially viable to provide specialist courses in these areas. This is where extra-curricular activities that expose students to the wide skill sets needed could provide a solution.
Aside from the space sector lacking graduates with the relevant skills, there is also a significant diversity issue in the sector. The results of the 2020 space census [6] show that the sector is heavily male dominated, those from more advantaged socio-economic backgrounds are over-represented and ethnic minorities are under-represented.
Women are significantly under-represented (29%), particularly in industry (22%) and the military (17%). This problem is not isolated to the space sector, but also students taking the STEM degree subjects that feed into the sector. For example, graduates of STEM degree subjects are 74% male to 26% female, with only a slight increase over the last few years. Engineering and computer science degrees are even lower, with around 15% female. Science subjects have a better gender balance than engineering.Ethnicity
Ethnic minorities are under-represented (11% vs 14% in the population at large), particularly in industry and government, and compared to STEM graduates.Secondary education and disadvantaged backgrounds
Of those who were UK-educated, people who attended private schools are over-represented by a factor of 2.2. Selective school attendees are over-represented by a factor of 4.6, while those attending comprehensives are under-represented by a factor of 0.7.The government has a longstanding ambition to increase the numbers of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in higher education generally and the number has increased over the last five years. Those from a low participation neighbourhood (LPN) increased by 13 per cent, whose parents did not attend university increased by 23 per cent and those from a state-funded school or college increased by 9 per cent.
Research suggests [7] that positive business outcomes are directly tied to gender diversity which can provide creativity and varying views, backgrounds and experiences. A 2015 McKinsey report [8] on 366 public companies found that those in the top quartile for ethnic and racial diversity in management were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their industry mean, and those in the top quartile for gender diversity were 15% more likely to have returns above the industry mean. Gender diversity is correlated with both profitability and value creation.“Diverse and inclusive cultures are providing companies with a competitive edge over their peers.” WSJ [9]
The RAEng Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering Survey Report [9] found that one of the top three business imperatives driving diversity and inclusion work was “enhancing capacity for innovation and creativity” (cited by 83% of engineering organisations). Research shows that when leaders are perceived by their teams as being inclusive, 84% report feeling more motivated and 81% indicate it has a positive impact on their productivity.
The engineering literature contains large amounts of evidence on the benefit of extra-curricular activities. The relationship between extracurricular involvement and general cognitive skills and intellectual skills is well documented [11]. Extracurricular activities can play an important role in exposing undergraduate engineering students to broader challenges that enable them to utilize and complement their disciplinary knowledge [12]. There is a positive linear relationship between academic and co-curricular involvement [13]. Extra-curricular activities provide a range of transferable skills [14]. Increasing student engagement in extracurricular activities is considered a best practice to foster student learning [15]
A link and a continuous dialogue between industry and academia are essential for a shared vision and to shape the future of graduate education. Collaboration between industry and universities can result in a better quality of graduates matching more readily the expectations of their potential employers [16]. Collaboration with industry can also help to provide direction for the development of course material in order to enable students to be more exposed to industry needs. University activities with heavy industry involvement provide an open stream of dialogue between industry and academia which otherwise is very difficult to achieve. [16]
The Generation Europe Foundation reported with a clear message for education policy makers: industry-relevant hands-on experience could help address the skills gap that is preventing graduates being hired [17]. They also commented that “most universities give far too much theoretical preparation and too little about how to face the real world of work’ and that most students don’t know anything about how businesses in their sector run.
[1] Researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk. 2021. The UK Space Industry - Briefing paper Number CBP 2021-9202, 22 April 2021. [online] Available at: <https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-9202/CBP-9202.pdf> [Accessed 26 April 2022].
[2] Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk. 2020. Space Sector Skills Survey 2020. [online] Available at: <https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/964639/BMG_2081_UKSA_Space_Sector_Skills_Survey_2020_Report_V1.pdf> [Accessed 26 April 2022].
[3] Chenicheri Sid Nair , Arun Patil & Patricie Mertova (2009) Re-engineering graduate skills – a case study, European Journal of Engineering Education, 34:2, 131-139, DOI: 10.1080/03043790902829281
[4] McGunagle, Doreen, and Laura Zizk (2020) "Employability skills for 21st-century STEM students: the employers' perspective." Higher education, skills and work-based learning (2020).
[5] Raeng.org.uk. 2022. The business case for D&I - Royal Academy of Engineering. [online] Available at: <https://www.raeng.org.uk/diversity-in-engineering/business-benefits-key-facts/the-business-case-for-diversity> [Accessed 26 April 2022].
[6] https://spaceskills.org. 2020. The 2020 Space Census - Space Skills Alliance. [online] Available at: <https://spaceskills.org/census-intro> [Accessed 26 April 2022].
[7] www.mckinsey.com/. 2018. Delivering through diversity. [online] Available at: <https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/delivering-through-diversity> [Accessed 26 April 2022].
[8] - www.mckinsey.com/. 2015. Why diversity matters. [online] Available at: <https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/why-diversity-matters> [Accessed 26 April 2022].
[9] Levine, S., 2022. Diversity Confirmed To Boost Innovation And Financial Results. [online] Forbes. Available at: <https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesinsights/2020/01/15/diversity-confirmed-to-boost-innovation-and-financial-results/?sh=36df32ffc4a6> [Accessed 26 April 2022].
[10] Raeng.org.uk. 2021. Diversity and Inclusion Progression Framework Report 2021. [online] Available at: <https://www.raeng.org.uk/publications/reports/diversity-and-inclusion-progression-framework-(1)> [Accessed 26 April 2022].
[11] Pascarella, Ernest T., and Patrick T. Terenzini. How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research. Volume 2. Jossey-Bass, An Imprint of Wiley. 10475 Crosspoint Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46256, 2005.
[12] - Chachra, Debbie, et al. "Outside the classroom: Gender differences in extracurricular activities of engineering students." 2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. IEEE, 2009.
[13] - Huang and Chang [Huang, Y., Chang, S., “Academic and cocurricular involvement: Their relationship and the best combinations for student growth.”, Journal of College Student Development, 45, 2004, 391-406
[14] - Dalrymple, Odesma, and Demetra Evangelou. "The role of extracurricular activities in the education of engineers." International Conference on Engineering Education. 2006.
[15] -Kuh, George D., et al. Student success in college: Creating conditions that matter. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
[16] Ursache, Narcis, and Cristinel Mares. "Integrating industrial expertise into the delivery of an MEng aerospace engineering module."
[17] Cobo, Cristobal. "Skills for innovation: Envisioning an education that prepares for the changing world." Curriculum Journal 24.1 (2013): 67-85.